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  • What is Reiki?
    Reiki is an energetic healing modality that concentrates on the chakras and auric fields (see What Are Chakras, and What Are Auric Fields). During a Reiki session, these can be covered: cords, magic, curses, Soul contracts, implants/imprints, other lifetimes, timelines, trauma, karma, trapped emotions, entities/attachments, Soul fragment retrieval, opening and balancing of the front and back chakras, chakras spinning correctly, and more. The Reiki healing energy comes from Source/Universe/Creator, down to the practitioner, out through their hands, and onto the client or whoever is receiving the Reiki. For the most part, Reiki is a very relaxing experience but can bring unresolved things to the surface to be released. Which is what one would want because if unresolved matter stays in the fields and body, then it can manifest as a physical illness.
  • Who Invented Reiki?
    Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered Reiki during his spiritual practices. It is said that Reiki may have originated in India, then to Tibet, China, and Japan.
  • What Are Chakras?
    Chakras are energetic vortex centers in the body and energetic fields. They help circulate the chi (life force energy) throughout the body, fields, and vertical channel (up and down the middle of the body). If a chakra is blocked, it can cause these energies to not flow which can manifest as an illness. Think of it as a blocked artery. If the blood can’t flow smoothly, there will be some complications.
  • What Are Auric Fields?
    Auric Fields are the energy fields around a person’s body that helps to circulate the energies to the chakras (think like a toroidal field), they also store the person’s data from their lifetime, and they help encase the physical body (just like an egg). Some people may refer the auric fields as the bioenergy field. It is important to maintain the auric fields just like the chakras to keep the energy flowing smoothly.
  • What Can Reiki Do For You?
    Reiki provides many opportunities depending on where the person is in their life journey. Here is a list of just some of the things Reiki can do for you: Provide clarity Grounding Open up to receiving messages Connection with your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Source Motivation Inspiration Creativity Resolve issues with relationships Release trapped emotions Release and heal trauma Trust in your intuition and gifts Be in power of your overall health Resolve negative thinking Clear, transmute limited beliefs and programs Be able to manifest the life you desire Be in abundance Become a Reiki practitioner and help others
  • How Does Long Distance Reiki Healing Work?
    Long distance Reiki healing works by using the long distance healing symbol (this is described more in the Reiki Level 2 Course, go to Courses to learn more). Long distance healing is also known as distant healing, and remote healing. Ok, but how does it really work? We are all energetic beings. Everything around us has some kind of frequency they emit and we all react to each other by these frequencies. Have you ever thought of someone and they end up calling or texting you? Well, that’s how long distance energy transfers work! We are all connected in some way, through the grids, through DNA, through frequencies. When a Reiki practitioner places the intention of working on a specific person long distance, they make that connection and healings are sent. This is creating that connection and sending information through space and time. If we look at quantum mechanics, a particle can exist in multiple locations at once. Particles can also have both wave and particle properties at the same time. And two particles separated from each other can act as one and influence each other. It’s all frequencies and we are all connected. Think of it like a computer. Here are some excerpts from "Tuning the Human Biofield" by Eileen Day McKusick: "The concept of a universal consciousness mediated by torsion waves propagating through the holographic aether or zero-point field (or quantum potential) can potentially explain the mechanics of how distance healing works. Just as I can place my awareness now in my left foot, now in my right hand, with no sense of that awareness having to travel in a linear way through my body, so I can take my awareness on a client a thousand miles away and use my subtle-energy field to influence it at a distance. Numerous experiments have been conducted that demonstrate that qigong masters using a form of energy healing originating in China can create healing in one petri dish versus another over great distances, with great precision. Whether we place our awareness in a specific finger of the body or a specific petri dish far away, it is fundamentally the same action." Here are some quotes from individuals regarding aether, consciousness, and subtle energy: "Since we have consciousness, it is not unlikely, (according to the fractal nature of nature) that consciousness -- a greater consciousness than ours of course, is everywhere." - Maureen Lockhart "In order to fully understand and advance energy medicine (healing), science will have to accept the currently taboo possibility that pervasive intelligence (consciousness) exists throughout the universe." - Gary Schwartz "All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance." - Nikola Tesla If you would like more research and data, I recommend these books: “Stalking the Wild Pendulum” by Itzhak Bentov “Electric Body, Electric Health” by Eileen Day McKusick You can also research: quantum biology, bioenergy fields, sending information through space and time, Bell’s Theorem, Itzhak Bentov, Albert Einstein (when he started talking about plasma), Carrie B, Catherine Clinton, frequencies, protons, photons.
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