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Steps to Incorporate Self-Care Into a Busy Schedule

Aug 15, 2024

3 min read







Steps To Incorporate Self-Care Into a Busy Schedule:

You may have had this thought before: “How in the world can I fit anything else into my schedule?!” As a mom of three running my own business, I can totally relate! I’d like to offer you a simple method that has helped me to incorporate some much needed self-care practices into a sometimes hectic schedule.

With these easy steps, you too can add practices into your life that will help you regulate your stress and thereby improving the quality of your health and relationships.

  1. Make a list.

Write down three to five practices that would best suit your needs. Here are a few suggestions that you can feel free to draw from:

  • Yoga

  • Breathwork

  • Meditation

  • Journalling

  • Dance

  • Play an Instrument

  • Get sun

  • Earthing

2. Pick one practice from your list.

Use your intuition to determine which one will benefit you the most. We will start with one and stick with it until it becomes consistent. All you need is 5 minutes per day.

3. Tack the practice onto an existing habit.

Here’s the fun part. Think of one thing that you automatically do every day. Now, you’re gonna add the practice you picked and do it for 5 minutes immediately after the existing habit.


Established habit: You brush your teeth twice a day (hopefully! ^_^). 

Tack-on: Right after your morning brush, throw on a short Youtube yoga routine and follow along. Done!

4. Establish consistency.

Keep the practice short! 5 to 10 minutes is plenty to start. Establishing a habit is easiest if you can do it consistently, so make sure the allotted amount of time is extremely accessible for you. Once you’ve strung together a few weeks of consistent practice, move on to step 5.

5. Add more time or incorporate another practice.

Now that you’ve strung together a few weeks of consistent practice, you can start playing with stretching out the time on your first practice, or you can add a second one.

If you do decide to stretch the time, add a small increment (5 mins). If your consistency remains the same, keep the 5 minutes. If your consistency wanes, remove the 5 minutes. Easy!

When you’re ready to add another practice from your list, simply repeat steps 2 through 4. Done!

Additional Tips

  1. Use a timer.

If you have trouble keeping your practice short, a timer can be very helpful. Set a 5-minute timer on your phone to ensure that you don’t overextend. We’re trying to avoid overextending as we slowly build up the practice so we don’t burn out and stop altogether.

2. Check out this book.

For an in-depth study of the benefits and practices of establishing habits, Atomic Habits by James Clear is highly recommended!

Closing Remarks

In aviation, the difference between the plane ending up in New York or Miami from Los Angeles is determined by a few degrees adjustment of the nose at the start of the flight. This is a great analogy for what a tiny change (incorporation of a new habit) can do for the trajectory of your life.

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Aug 15, 2024

3 min read





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